Ruth E. Stubbs
I have been a huge fan of the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra for a very long time and a season ticket holder for decades. Years ago, when the concerts were still held in the Civic Auditorium, we bought an extra ticket so that our children could take turns going to them. Watching the orchestra grow and become better and better over the years has been a delight. They have become a professional orchestra to be enormously proud of and an important part of the life of the community.
The current struggle between the musicians and the management to find a solution to the money problems is both sad and important. It’s sad because one doesn’t even want to think about cutting back on salary and benefits for our highly-accomplished and remarkable musicians, and important because we want the orchestra to thrive along with our city, which is certainly thriving by any measure. Keeping the quality and the morale of our musicians at the high level they deserve is of utmost importance.
Ruth E. Stubbs