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Suzanna Dennis Bratton - Clarinet


Your name:

Suzanna Dennis Bratton (Suzy Bratton)


Your instrument/position in the orchestra:

Principal Clarinet


How old were you when you started playing your instrument?

11 years old when I began (6th grade)



Portland, OR


When did you join the orchestra:

1998-99 season



BM, BA-- Portland State University, MM-- University of Michigan, Artist Diploma-- Duquesne University


What made me choose the clarinet? 

I didn't!  I wanted to play the flute or saxophone but the band director needed clarinets so I was stuck!



walking, cooking, home projects, organizing fund-raising events, wine and BEING A MOM


In a few words or sentences, how would you describe yourself?

friendly, fun-loving, family oriented, liberal, hard-working, working on my ability to say "no"(!)


Favorite saying:

The universe unfolds as it should.


Pet Peeve:

poor service at a restaurant


Most memorable moment:

My now-husband approaching the stage (unexpectedly) with flowers after I played the Mozart Concerto,

Sibelius 2 with Santtu-Matias Rouvali,

Rach 2 with Martha Bowman,

Symphonie Fantastique



Success in anything takes a Positive Attitude and Discipline


Favorite TV show:

Downton Abbey

Once Upon a Time



Bad habit:



Influential teachers:

Mark Nuccio and my ONE lesson with Alan Balter; also the conductor of my youth orchestra, Jacob Avshalomov


Last book you read/what are you reading now?

House of the Spirits by Isabele Allende


Favorite piece of music to play:

Brahms Clarinet Quintet


Dream vacation:

Discovering ancient ruins, European culture, and beautiful/interesting landscapes (sans tour bus)-- so, basically everything!  And after driving to Oregon and back with the family, I would love to discover all 50 states from the road.  We have such a beautiful and diverse country.


Favorite thing about GR:

watching a city blossom


Parting thoughts:

I wish there was more tolerance of each other's differences, both in this community and in the world

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